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Immigration Resources / Recursos de Inmigración

Centinela Valley Union High School District is committed to supporting all students and families, regardless of immigration status. View valuable information, guidance, and resources to help families navigate questions or concerns related to immigration. You will find legal assistance contacts, information about student rights, and proactive steps families can take to ensure safety and preparedness. Our goal is to ensure that every member of our community feels safe, valued, and supported in our schools.

El Distrito Escolar de Centinela Valley Union está comprometido a apoyar a todos los estudiantes y familias, sin importar su estatus migratorio. Ver información valiosa, orientación y recursos para ayudar a las familias a navegar preguntas o inquietudes relacionadas con la inmigración. Encontrará contactos de asistencia legal, información sobre los derechos de los estudiantes y pasos proactivos que las familias pueden tomar para garantizar seguridad y preparación. Nuestro objetivo es asegurar que cada miembro de nuestra comunidad se sienta seguro, valorado y apoyado en nuestras escuelas.
Lawndale Early College Program Logo

Lawndale Early College Program

We are excited to announce that the CVUHSD Early College program will commence at Lawndale High School for the ninth-grade cohort in the 2025-2026 school year! Click title above for more details.
Vaping Awareness Featured Photo

Vaping Awareness

Join us to learn about the effects of vaping and parent awareness on substance abuse. The meeting will be at the District Board Room.
PSAT Featured Photo


Centinela Valley Union High School District is offering FREE administration of the PSAT for 9th - 11th grade students enrolled in CVUHSD schools.

We will administer the PSAT on Saturday, October 26th at Lawndale High School.

In order to take the PSAT, students MUST sign up by completing THIS FORM by Friday, September 6th (or copy and paste this link into your web browser: